Wednesday, 10 August 2011

So We Open

It's completely bizarre to think that I have been here over a week.  I've been here a week and a half.  The first day we opened all the shows but one because of projector issues.  It was way less hectic than I thought it would be and the shows went on time.  We're doing eight shows a day at the minute.  Our biggest change over is from "Broken Wing" (with lots of flying pieces) to "Fragments of Ash" (with a floor cloth and five flats).  At the end of each show we lower all the set (apart from the flats) down a hole at the back of the room and lift out the next shows stuff.  I like the pit, it's got this neat basement sort of smell.

After our opening day we went over the another venue called the Pleasance to have a drink.  Whilst there were given free tickets to see a comedy show and, though it was very late and we had to be in at half eight the next day, we went.  Rich Halls Hoe Down.  He's an American, there are loads of them here now, and he told some jokes but mostly played comedy songs with the help of his country and western band.  Some of it was quite funny, and in general I liked him - but alas he sang a song involving Jesus and it's not really a laughing matter for me.  I've actually seen it so much and I do wonder why they can't just leave him alone?  Why is it that they can't find their comedy somewhere else?

"Fragments of Ash" got a four star review the other day and "Daughter of a Cuban Revolutionary" got Five.  My favourite show at our venue, "Hotel De L'avenir." only got three.  It's not fair, they said such nice things about it in the review - why only three stars?  Caitlyn took over box office for me so I could run and go see "Piff the Magic Dragon."  It's this grown man who puts on a dragon suit to perform magic and levitates a Chihuahua (also dressed as a dragon).  It was sold out through Friday, I was gutted.  I did, however, buy a ticket for next Monday so all is not lost.  As a consolation I went and saw a show my friend Lewis was in and it was gorgeous.  It's called "Muscle" and it is brilliant.  It's about men, about being a man and the experiences they go through as fathers and sons.  It was beautiful.

Edinburgh is a lovely city.  It missed most of the bombing so it's wonderfully old.  I haven't toured the castle yet, or climbed Aurthur's Seat, but I've wandered the streets and it's a great city.  Been learning about my ancestry.  Apparently we (the family Kerr) are known for being Left Handed and our spiral staircases curve the oposite direction from everybody else's.  In case you are not awar, spiral stair cases are built so the defending men (coming down the stairs) can swing their swords freely whilst the attackers (coming up the stairs) keep hitting the center of the spiral.  We're from the border lands and were often Wardens of the Middle March.  We had couple long and bloody feuds (one was between two batches of Kerrs).  And we were absolutely split on the issue of Queen Mary.  Met another Kerr in a shop, I think she was left handed.

Love you and miss you all - see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. This is like all of your texts/PINS to me rolled into one, that finally makes sense lol.
