I don't live in a youth hostel! I moved into a house on Sunday and it is certainly a relief. I am living with a lovely lady named Steph who works at a church and a lady called Jennifer who works at a school. They're both Christians which is nice since I don't work in an industry known for it's large Christian population and I miss the community. I was very much reminded how much I miss that kind of community when I was in California for my visit and went to CCV again - gosh I love CCV. I had dinner with my new housemates last night and it was lovely. Getting my stuff from Cardiff to London is proving to be a bit of an ordeal, I'm taking the bus in (4 hours) and then getting a bit from my storage unit and then back on the bus the same day (another 4 hours). So this is an all day event and will be encompassing several of my days but I have more time than I have money so this is the way it's gotta be.
I am now on my second week at the Almeida theatre, I am typing this out on my lunch break in the production office, and I am having a great quantity of fun. The Stage Management team is all nice, Laura (CSM) and Anique (ASM) are way cool to work with and Helen (DSM) is funny although I see her less since she is in the rehearsal room. I do get some of the little jobs, I wash a lot of mugs and fetch water and fruit and stuff, but I also help with the propping and get to go out to pick up the props and stuff Now I know a bit more about London as well, so it's all a learning experience. The show is set in the US so I look through endless pages of pictures of stuff that is everyday normal for me but is strange and foreign here. How many pictures of bunches of keys do I have?
life is strange and wonderful...
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